Our History


Shepherd’s Call Ministry Begins

Since its beginning in 1999,

God has grown Shepherd’s Call Ministry into a dynamic, thriving, faith-based ministry with an international impact. Woven between the highlights on this timeline is over a million miles of travel on six continents and every state in the USA. Each place of ministry holds aspecial place in our hearts.


A Vision of Heaven is born.

While living in Kansas, God impresses Christian with the original Vision of Heaven program that combined sacred music and SOP narration. Look at that young kid!


SCM’s Logo is created!

The name Shepherd’s Call Ministry (SCM) is prayed over and developed. Our logo is created


Consecration is recorded

Moved to California.

Second album is recorded – Consecration Hymns CD


Road Trip!

Full year, 25,000 mile family ministry road trip around the entire U.S.

Our boys embrace serving others.


The studio is created

We move the ministry into the basement of a California rental home and begin creating, recording, and distributing messages for free.


The Narrow Way is Produced

In the basement we record The Narrow Way CD complete with live instrumentation and narration from the Spirit of Prophecy.


Invited to 3ABN

3ABN TV calls inviting us to be interviewed on the Today Show and sing on other programs too.


Christian Loses Hearing

A Cholesteatoma (inner ear tumor) destroys the hearing in Christian’s right ear leaving him deaf. He learns to sing with this new limitation.


International TV Invitation

3ABN invites Christian to sing and preach for various international TV programs.


The revision of a vision

The Remake of Vision of Heaven CD at 3ABN Sound Center.


Coby gets sick

Coby gets infected with Lyme disease and it radically changes our lives.


Move to New Mexico

The Family Moves to New Mexico. We begin construction on a new ministry building.


The Third Album is created

Christian records third album The Appearing– Heaven’s Lamb CD. This CD contains the first publicly released song written by Christian.


The Distraction Dilemma goes world wide

The Distraction Dilemma music seminar is created and distributed around the world.


Speaking to the youth at ASI

First invitation to speak and teach at ASI National Convention in the youth department.


GYC invitation to speak infront of thousands

GYC invites Christian to speak before thousands of eager young people.


Christian’s story is shared

Broken to Breakthrough testimonial DVD is produced & released.


The National Cathedral

Sing at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. for the Love At Work musical.


Christian Gets a Viral Infection

Viral infection of vegas nerve causing voice and stomach paralysis. Not able to sing concerts any longer. Still hoping & praying for recovery.


Road Trip number two!

The Lord impresses SCM to sell everything moving into a full-time, on the road, mobile ministry serving the continental United States. Over 48 churches, events and camp meetings served in 2018 alone.


Christian’s parents get baptized

After two years of Bible studies, Christian baptizes his parents into the Seventhday Adventist Church. Praise God!


Covid 19 Halts all travel

Covid19 hits the world and our travel stops cold. So we set up a home studio & ministered via Zoom all over the world.


Our new studio starts being built

Building a small project studio in our single car garage. Regular shooting begins early 2025.


Forgotten Fiji mission Trip Begins

Fiji Mission Trip serves men, women and children through a free health clinic with public evangelistic meetings each night. Nearly 1,300 patients served! PTL!


Bulgaria Invites Christian to speak to the youth

Bulgarian Youth Campmeeting with Christian speaking to the Youth on a variety of subjects